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Curriculum & Learning Resources


Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark image

Adobe Spark is a media creation application. Students in grades 3-12 can create social graphics, web pages, short videos and more. Students will login to Adobe Spark using their PWCS O365 account and access through the Clever Portal. 

Go to Adobe Spark

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Student access this website through the Clever portal. nonprofit provides K-12 access to the leading computer science curriculum. Students can use this site to create apps, games, drawings, etc. using coding.

Go to

 Common Sense Media

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Common Sense Media helps parents and educators make smart media choices and support K-12 students in developing digital literacy and citizenship skills. Parents can sign up for free membership. Student and teacher access through  Clever portal.

Parent Access to Common Sense Media

Culture Grams

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Culture Grams provides K-12 access to digital content that fosters understanding and appreciation of the world’s countries and people. Students explore a variety of media content, and can create charts and graphs comparing data. Students should contact their school for assistance accessing PWCS Subscriber Area from home.

Culturegrams Website

Discovery Education

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Summer of Learning Newsletter (Must log onto Discovery Education to view resources)

Discovery Education provides students and staff with high quality digital content that supports PWCS curriculum. Students can explore content, participate in collaborative activities, and create multimedia Studio Boards. Available to ALL students and staff Students. Discovery Education access for all is through Clever or Canvas. Students and Staff access Discovery Education from either Clever or Canvas

Econ Lowdown

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Award-winning economics and personal finance resources for grades K-12.  Access through Canvas

EMedia VA

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eMedia VA provides access to digital media tagged to keywords or state standards. Content is provided by PBS Learning Media and is available to all K-12 Virginia students and teachers. Student access available through the Clever Portal

eMediava website

Find It Virginia

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Find it Virginia is a selection of databases, online learning products and digital content for Virginians of all ages that provides access to resources such as newspapers, magazine and journal articles, books and encyclopedias. All resources are free and available with a public library card anywhere in Virginia. Contact the local public library to register for a library card.

Find it Virginia website


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Interactive math and science simulations for grades 3-12. Over 400 Gizmos aligned to the latest standards to help educators bring new learning experiences to the classroom.  Access through the Clever Portal. 

Khan Academy

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Personalized Learning for K-12 students at their own pace to fill in gaps in understanding and then accelerate their learning. Trusted content  includes standards-aligned practice and lessons.  First time student users will need to contact their school for assistance with initial account setup. Student access through Clever Portal

Khan Academy Website

Legends Of Learning

Legends of Learning

Curriculum aligned science games for elementary and middle school students. Created to engage students and assist teachers using hybrid learning, blended learning and distance learning models.  Access through Canvas


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Literacy programs which provide personalized learning on critical reading and language skills. Delivers real-time performance data without stopping to administer a test. Access through the Clever Portal.