Library Media Center
WELCOME TITANS! Take time to read a book!
The mission of the media center is ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information while promoting a love of reading.
The media center is staffed with one full time certified librarian. Our collection consists of approximately 6,733 titles including an extensive reference section, 11 periodicals and 1 newspaper (Richmond Times Dispatch). There are 12 computer workstations with Internet access. All computers are networked to a printer with wireless access. RPS internet rules are strictly enforced.
Media Center HOURS
The hours of operation are from 8:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Students are free to visit the media center before the beginning of school and immediately after school to borrow books, use a computer, work on a project, use available technology, or enjoy leisure reading.
Policies for Students
A pass is required to enter the media center at ANY TIME during regular school hours. Students may borrow books for two weeks with the option to renew books for another two weeks. One magazine may be checked out for one day. Students with overdue materials will not be able to borrow additional items until the overdue item is returned or paid for. No food or drink is allowed in the media center.